
How To Play 8mm Tapes Without Camcorder

If you want to play Hi8 tapes but don't have a working camcorder and then you're probably wondering if in that location's a style to play your Hi8 tapes without a camcorder.

Perhaps yous just desire to watch your Hi8 tapes to see what's on them, or you're trying to convert them to a digital format.

The only way to play a Hi8 tape is with a Hi8 or Digital8 camcorder, or a Hi8 or Digital8 VCR. There are no Hi8 to VHS adapters to allow you to play your tapes using a VHS player. If yous exercise not want to buy equipment to play your tapes then the best option is to use a video transfer service to convert your tapes to a digital format similar DVD or video file.

There are pros and cons to each selection for each method of playing dorsum your Hi8 tapes such as equipment cost and availability, we will explain each in detail to assist make up one's mind what selection is best for you.

  1. The three Best Ways to Play Hi8 Tapes Without A Camcorder
    • 1. Converting Hi8 Tapes using a Video Transfer Service
    • ii. Borrowing or Buying a Hi8, or Digital8 camcorder
    • three. Buying a Hi8 or Digital8 VCR or Record Deck
  2. FAQ: Playing Hi8 Tapes Without A Camcorder
    • Is there an Hi8 to VHS adapter?

The three Best Ways to Play Hi8 Tapes Without A Camcorder

While information technology may be disappointing to find out that there are no Hi8 to VHS record adapters to play your tapes on a VHS player, there are still good options to get your tapes played.

Here are the iii ways to play your Hi8 tapes without a camcorder, from easiest to hardest:

1. Converting Hi8 Tapes using a Video Transfer Service


If y'all accept Hi8 tapes that you'd like to play or convert to a digital format and so they can be played on your computer, then using a video transfer service like LegacyBox or others is the most hands-off way to picket your old videotapes.

iMemories Video Transfer Service

There's naught easier than letting someone else take care of your trouble for yous!


In that location are many pros to using a video transfer service to convert your videotapes to digital format for playback:

  • no equipment to purchase – since you are searching for a way to play your Hi8 tapes without a camcorder and so chances are y'all no longer have a working camcorder, nor are yous looking to buy ane. Since at that place are no tape adapters for Hi8 to VHS that would allow you to playback the tape on a VCR due to record compatibility problems, your only other choice is to purchase something that will play your tapes. Hi8 camcorders are no longer manufactured, nor are Hi8 tape deck VCRs then you need to await for used marketplaces similar eBay for used equipment that is at to the lowest degree a decade onetime.
  • professional quality video transfer – most video transfer services use professional person-grade equipment to catechumen your videos resulting in the best playback
  • online sharing – most video transfer services offer a way to store your videos on their secure servers so you tin ship links to friends and family for sharing and playback.
  • no equipment to maintain – if yous do buy a camcorder or tape player, or even if you did find your old camcorder chances are it could use a skilful cleaning and may or may not play your tapes back correctly without eating them.


In that location are some cons to using a video transfer service to playback your Hi8 tapes without a camcorder

  • price – if you accept several tapes to transfer, or aren't even sure what is on the tapes then you may be paying for transfers for video footage that you don't intendance most. This cost can add together up quickly, generally anywhere from $x to $20 a tape. If you compare this cost to ownership a used camcorder, playing and/or transferring the tapes to digital yourself, then selling the camcorder when you lot are done you may detect the camcorder is worth more than after you are washed with information technology due to the scarcity of these devices.
  • privacy – if you have any personal footage on a record that y'all don't want someone else to encounter then this can exist a valid concern
  • lost tapes – handing your tapes off to a video transfer service or aircraft them introduces the possibility of the tapes and your precious memories being lost forever. Some transfer services claim they have never lost an order, simply whatever shipping service is certain to take a certain % that is lost.

Who This is Best For: This option is best for anyone that doesn't have many tapes to play or transfer, or doesn't listen spending the coin to have someone transfer the tapes to digital.

2. Borrowing or Buying a Hi8, or Digital8 camcorder


Funny to think that one of the best answers for playing Hi8 tapes without a camcorder is to go discover another camcorder.

But it'southward true.

Chances are if you lot achieve out on social media to friends or family unit y'all'll find that someone has either an Hi8, or Digital 8 camcorder in their attic that hopefully works. Since well-nigh Digital8 camcorders take Hi8 playback this type of camcorder would work likewise. Click here for a full list of Digital8 camcorders with Hi8 playback capability.

Camcorder Type Tin can Play Hello Tapes
8mm / Video 8 NO
Digital8 MOST – just not all. Read here for a total list

If y'all can't infringe a camcorder then there are plenty of used ones for sale online.


  • easy to find: Since Hi8 and Digital8 were very popular camcorders in their glory days every bit the smaller tape size meant smaller camcorders, which was very appealing to virtually consumers. This ways they may exist easier to infringe or find on a used marketplace like eBay or Amazon.
  • cheaper: because tons of Hi8 and Digital8 camcorders were produced in the US they are easier to find on used marketplaces, are their cost will by and large be cheaper than purchasing a Hi8 VCR. And chances are if you lot buy 1 it may be worth more when you are washed with it and go to sell it as they are in limited supply and no longer manufactured.
  • privacy: This is as well the best option if you have anything personal on your tapes that you do not want anyone else to see (i.e. employee at the video transfer service).
  • no lost tapes – if you find a camcorder you can play your tapes on your ain without aircraft them to a service where they could get lost or destroyed in the aircraft procedure, or peradventure lost during the conversion process.
  • overall cost: This pick is likewise best if you accept several tapes to play or transfer, every bit it's far cheaper to transfer them to digital yourself once you have a working camcorder. A transfer service may charge $ten to $xx to convert each tape, so this can get expensive rapidly if you accept several tapes. Specially if you have tapes that you have no idea what is on them and if they are worth converting.


  • Quality: ownership used equipment tin be catchy, await for a reputable seller that takes returns if the item is DOA. Also, if you just accept a few tapes to watch information technology would be easier to but pay for a video transfer service to convert your tapes to digital.
  • Time: if you play and transfer your videos yourself then that'south time out of your day vs letting someone else do it.

Who This is Best For: This choice is best for anyone that has experience playing their own tapes and also has several tapes to playback or transfer. Information technology's far cheaper to transfer them to digital yourself once you accept a working camcorder. A video transfer service will accuse anywhere from $10 to $20 to convert your videos, then playing them yourself is definitely the cheaper option if you have several tapes.

3. Buying a Hi8 or Digital8 VCR or Tape Deck


Another choice for playing back Hi8 tapes without a camcorder is with a Hi8 or Digital8 VCR. These expect like a normal VHS record actor except the record slot is small and fits Hi8 or Digital8 tapes

While at that place were plenty of Hi8 tape decks manufactured in the past, at that place were far more camcorders produced. I myself owned two unlike 8mm record decks, one was really a Hi8 deck.

The reason these were popular items with video producers is considering of the linear process of editing a video prior to not-linear editing becoming affordable for the end consumer. These decks were used to rewind, forward, and play tapes during the editing procedure and so as to not wear out your camcorder.


  • Ease of Use: working with a tape deck when you lot are processing many tapes is far easier than the inserting and ejecting procedure with camcorders. Plus many decks come with remote controls.


  • Scarcity: Hi8 and Digital8 decks are harder to find than camcorders, which more often than not makes them more expensive than camcorders.
  • Compatibility: Some decks just play video8 / 8mm tapes and not Hi8. The Hi8 decks will play both. There are even some rare Digital8 decks out there that can play them all. Depending on the tapes you take to play you need to find the right record deck.

Who This is Best For: anyone with plenty of tapes to play or convert (and a scrap of a video geek similar me) should check out eBay for a Hi8 VCR similar the Sony EV-C100,  Sony EV-S5000, Sony EV-PR2 (this one I owned and loved – wish I never sold it), and even Amazon has some Hi8 VCRs for sale.

FAQ: Playing Hi8 Tapes Without A Camcorder

Is there an Hi8 to VHS adapter?

While Hi8 and VHS both recorded analog video, there are no Hi8 to VHS adapters for several reasons:

  • The tape width is dissimilar, Hi8 is about 1/2 as broad every bit a VHS tape. This means the video heads in a VHS player would not know how to read a tape too pocket-sized
  • Hi8 and VHS audio was recorded on different portions of the record, VHS would tape it on a narrow strip on the lesser of the record while Hi8 mixed the video and audio signals together
  • Video was formatted differently on the tapes

If you are still interested then read our article on why there are no Hi8 to VHS tape adapters.


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